Complaining not only affects mood but also physically alters the brain. Each time we complain, we're firing and wiring together neural pathways that make future complaining more likely. This process, known as Hebb's Law, essentially means that neurons that fire together, wire together. Consequently, habitual complaining can establish a default mindset where negativity pervades, making it increasingly challenging to switch to more positive modes of thinking.
Research from Stanford reveals that frequent complaining shrinks the hippocampus, vital for memory and problem-solving. Even listening to complaints for over 30 minutes can harm the brain. Complaining triggers cortisol release, in turn, heightening stress. Elevated cortisol disrupts sleep, raises blood pressure, compromises the immune system, and increases heart disease and obesity risks.
A stressed brain weakens immunity, raises depression risks, and clouds cognition, impacting decision-making and problem-solving. This focus on negativity limits the brain's ability to engage positively with its surroundings. So what can we do to try and correct that?
Three Tips on How to Shift Negative Thoughts to Positive Thoughts
Incorporate Breathwork: When you catch yourself complaining or slipping into negativity, take a moment to engage in deep, slow breaths. This simple act can reset your emotional state, bringing your attention to the present moment, providing clarity and a sense of calm, and making it easier to move towards a more positive mindset.
Reframe Your Perspective: Complaining often arises from a specific viewpoint on a situation. Challenge yourself to reframe these situations by searching for a positive angle or a learning opportunity. Instead of focusing on how a problem obstructs you, consider what it might teach you or how it could contribute to your growth.
Cultivate Gratitude: Develop a habit of acknowledging things you are grateful for in your life. This practice of gratitude can shift your focus from what’s missing or negative to the abundance of positives around you. Consider writing down three things you appreciate each day. This consistent practice can change how you perceive daily experiences, fostering a more optimistic outlook and reducing the inclination to complain.